Risk management

Fire fighting

In every case, the scope covers

Electrical / Thermomechanical Engineering

Design of project and/or assembly of electrical and/or thermomechanical engineering equipment based on design; project execution up to maintenance; thermography tests; measurement of ground connection and study to classify explosive atmospheres.

Asset Security

Asset Appraisal

Safety and hygiene

  • Review of emergency plans (BCP/Business Continuity Plan): Evacuation procedure – Training – Emergency brigade | Organization chart and decision-making Equipment subject to pressure.
  • Hoisting equipment / bridge cranes – certifications.
  • Review of procedures, processes and protocols that entail risks for the contractors: document and operations control (during task performance). Predictive and preventive maintenance of critical equipment: verify existence of programs and people responsible for them. Compatibility of chemical substances: documentation and processes.
  • Flammable materials: engineering study for their treatment.
  • Environment: soft law (sustainability) / hard law (compliance).

Firefighting systems (design, installation, and maintenance)

Contact us

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El miércoles 14 de Junio de 2023, Samuel Markov, Director de ARM Services Argentina y Chile, fue invitado al programa [...]
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