Risk assessment


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Our exclusive proprietary matrix, AssessRisk®, assesses the exposure to risk in relation to different root causes:
Services for Property
Each root case is assessed in terms of different sources of loss (Damages in general and/or due to nature hazards, fire/ machinery/ loss of benefit, theft/robbery/ vandalism/civil liability) and recommendations for improvement are submitted for each area:
Our intervention adds value because we assess the risks, we evaluate them and then share recommendations for improvement so that all the parties involved in the potential risk commit themselves to mitigating the exposure to risk. Higher exposure and low frequency risks require the coordination of actions that are only viable in the mid- or long term. In this sense, ARM facilitates the process by sharing valuable information that benefits the parties involved and becomes the basis for long-term relationships.

Advantages of our Property Assessments

Risk Matrix AssessRisk®

The first risk matrix developed to support the risk assessment and underwriting processes, providing us with a proprietary tool to pinpoint improvement opportunities.

Service recognized and valued by Insurance and Reinsurance companies

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