Loss adjustment

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Services for Transport Companies

Why ARM Adjusters?

Successful track record

Multidisciplinary team of renowned experienced professionals at the regional, national and international level.

Company culture

Accuracy in solving conflicts with impartiality and independence.


Experts in Marine cargo.

Quality of service

Proactivity, transparency.

Management Platform

Proprietary System – Web access for clients – Report Automation and Customization.

Comprehensive Treatment

Assessment + Prevention + Adjustment.

Who do we serve?


ARM Adjusters Online

100% online risk and document management system, with on-the-spot appointment of an adjuster and immediate communication with the adjuster from the platform itself.

Speed in solving conflicts with impartiality and independence

Contact us

If you need further information about our service, please share our email address so that we can contact you.

El jueves 22 de agosto de 2024, Samuel Markov, socio fundador y director de ARM Services Argentina y Chile, fue [...]
El 24 de Julio de 2024, en el Hotel NH Plaza en Santiago, tuvo lugar Foros ALSUM 2024, evento organizado [...]
Foros ALSUM 2024 Buenos Aires, tuvo lugar en en el hotel NH 9 de Julio el pasado 27 de Junio, [...]
A fines de abril/2024, ARM Adjusters, representado por Gonzalo Delgado Zemborain, Thomas Radmann y Juan Ignacio Rodríguez, emprendieron un viaje [...]
Recientemente, Samuel Markov (vicepresidente del Comité de Carga de ALSUM, socio fundador y director de ARM Services) fue invitado a [...]
Recientemente, Juan Ignacio Rodríguez, socio y director ejecutivo de ARM Adjusters Chile (miembro del grupo ARM Services) fue entrevistado por“El [...]
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